Donald J. Trump has already made American Christian discourse harsher, crueler, and more selfish, stripping grace, kindness, and wisdom from countless churches. The crass brassy transaction of his relationship with evangelicalism has driven millions from the faith, as empty platitudes, flagrant lies, and the naked hunger for power have supplanted the Gospel.
He has undercut the most fundamental blessing of our republic, subverting the Founder's intent for a nation in which leaders are freely elected, and where where power changes hands peaceably.
His anti-Christian nationalism has slandered millions of Latino migrants, 80% of whom are hermanos y hermanas en Christo. He would turn America into a walled Jericho, into an inhospitable Sodom. His misbegotten Abraham Accords "fixed" the Middle East by conveniently pretending the Israel/Palestine issue didn't exist, setting the stage for the unprecedented chaos and bloodshed of this last year. Well, to be fair, it's precedented by millennia of strife in that benighted region, but you know what I mean.
But my deepest concern, honestly, are the tens or hundreds of millions who will suffer if he is elected again. These are the souls that will starve, suffer, or be forced from their homes and lands because of his refusal to acknowledge our rapidly changing climate. His flagrant quid pro quo with the oil and gas industries, coupled with his bizarre demonization of everything that would both allow us to adapt and become more energy self-reliant? They've become pseudo-religious dogma on the far-right now, a bitter, unbiblical, and demonic creed-of-greed that will contribute to actually unprecedented human suffering.
Donald is aware of exactly none of this. It doesn't even register.
He's a worldly man, after all, utterly unspiritual, as one would be as a Child of Mammon. A little boy raised in a temple of gold will grow into a big man who couldn't care less about heavenly or eternal things. And sure, yes, there's grace for all, but grace has to be freely received. It is for all who repent. He's great at doubling down, and has no use for repentance. Repentance implies you were wrong, after all, and he is never ever wrong.
Yet despite all of this, Donald J. Trump is a child of God. He knows not what he's doing. I do not desire to maximize his suffering. I do not wish him harm. Though he is my enemy, I love him, because I do what Jesus tells me to do.
If he wins the upcoming election, he will receive the worldly power he desires. But he will also reap the fruits of his actions once given power, and that...insofar as I can honestly see it...imperils his immortal soul. It's the dark bargain of all who lead, of all who take on the mantle of worldly power, but for Donald, it's a particularly dangerous thing.
Given power, Trump will pour out a cup of bitterness for himself, a cup as deep as the oceans, as deep as the night sky.
Vote against him because you love him. Because if he wins? And God is just?
Lord have mercy on his soul.